Dodge Power Wagon Forum #140
- Carb reccomendations..... - Jonas 5:55PM 06/01/2004
- Looking for someone near Abilene, Texas.... - Jonas 5:50PM 06/01/2004
- Calendar - Bob Cocivi 5:02PM 06/01/2004
- OT - My duece on ebay - Judd 3:30PM 06/01/2004
- 1993 W-250 360 Auto For Sale - Dan Shockley 1:24PM 06/01/2004
- 1958 W200 Runs with title Very nice $2500.00 - John Smith 1:03PM 06/01/2004
- SB Mopar block hugger headers - Joe Cimoch 9:47AM 06/01/2004
- 12 volt to six volt stepdown - Phil Bisaga 9:46AM 06/01/2004
- Marty, I found the vacuum leak - Robert 1:49AM 06/01/2004
- WWII WC Dodge parts available for free - Huntington Beach, C - Chris Davis 0:26AM 06/01/2004
- Duel Wheel F/S - War Eagle 11:26PM 05/31/2004
- Need 1951 Rims - War Eagle 10:59PM 05/31/2004
- 1946 FFPW serial number - Steven Fowler 9:27PM 05/31/2004
- 1971 Kaiser M35 - 5 Ton 6x6 $17,000 [TX] - Photo Classified 7:55PM 05/31/2004
- Wall of Fame - Thanks to Jon Martin - Joe Cimoch 7:38PM 05/31/2004
- Correct Gerry Can Location Measurements? - Will (in MI) 7:30PM 05/31/2004
- Forum refresh tomorrow - Joe Cimoch 6:58PM 05/31/2004
- When? - Eric B. 1:53PM 06/01/2004
- Anyone need haul from Iowa rally to Texas - John Foster 6:53PM 05/31/2004
- 79 powerwagon engine swap help! - william nimon 6:13PM 05/31/2004
- NEW TRUCK !! No longer need a newer diesel. - Dan Shockley 6:10PM 05/31/2004
- saw patton on tv last night. - steve 1:51PM 05/31/2004
- Say a prayer - Mac from Texas 11:56AM 05/31/2004
- 1957 FFPW Parts needed - Dan Shockley 11:32AM 05/31/2004
- Just a reminder - correct Flag Protocol - mike stone in IDAHO 10:14AM 05/31/2004
- Choke problems - Robert 2:07AM 05/31/2004
- Needed!! 6 volt Generator - Chuck 11:18PM 05/30/2004
- 92 wheels needed - John Foster 10:29PM 05/30/2004
- NEEDED Haul From Fairfield,Iowa to NY or CT - Mike M. 9:44PM 05/30/2004
- 2 w300s for sale - Arne 9:12PM 05/30/2004
- Repainting - Andy 7:50PM 05/30/2004
- 47 WDX in Photoclassified Ads (IN) - Mark P 7:40PM 05/30/2004
- Rally Kit / Off-Road Must Haves - Will (in MI) 6:53PM 05/30/2004
- looking for d100 - jon in denver 6:19PM 05/30/2004
- complete plow for pw's - Curt 1:32PM 05/30/2004
- Dan Shockley - Bill K. 9:10AM 05/30/2004
- Looking for 1960 WM300 Serial Numbers - Phil Street 8:13AM 05/30/2004
- John henry wheel adapters. - bob silvernale 7:38AM 05/30/2004
- Colorado springs to Iowa Rally Haul - John Foster 10:19PM 05/29/2004
- Only a week....... - Todd Somers 9:10PM 05/29/2004
- Hmmmmm... I think I'll restore it - Kevin in Ohio 8:04PM 05/29/2004
- Trunnion bearing preload question - Garrett 7:40PM 05/29/2004
- Steering Question - Will (in MI) 6:45PM 05/29/2004
- Drove the Power Wagon today! Ran Nice! - Willy-N 4:32PM 05/29/2004
- Vermont Commercial Salvage - Ed 4:02PM 05/29/2004
- Rear Axle Seal ???'s - J Gilly 1:54PM 05/29/2004
- Hot August Nights - John S in AK 1:54PM 05/29/2004
- 1969 W200 ex forest service w 107 k mi FS - John Smith 12:18PM 05/29/2004
- Dashboard Remove and Install Pictures - Paul(in NY) 9:39AM 05/29/2004
- 1953 B-3 Dodge Power Wagon $1,500 [CA] - Photo Classified 8:20AM 05/29/2004
- Memorial Day - MoparNorm 8:19AM 05/29/2004
- ot computer woes - Doc Dave 8:04AM 05/29/2004
- DASHBOARD Change-out??? - S. Bear 6:39AM 05/29/2004
- Did Mark's Truck Sell? - S. Bear 6:29AM 05/29/2004
- Getting Closer - Robert Kosusnik 3:39AM 05/29/2004
- Sonic Drive IN Car Show pics - Todd Wilson 0:17AM 05/29/2004
- Thanks, guys! - Dave Maher 11:43PM 05/28/2004
- Don in MI - Tim Holloway 11:22PM 05/28/2004
- For all your rubber mat needs go here - Bruce B 10:58PM 05/28/2004
- Mu 3 Braden Winch on ebay Item number: 2480299154 - Stephen 9:49PM 05/28/2004
- Anyone from Idaho going to the PW Rally? - jimmymac392 9:36PM 05/28/2004
- Don in Missouri Lock Right - Keith in Washington 9:33PM 05/28/2004
- OT Boat question - Jon in Mississippi 8:36PM 05/28/2004
- Timing - Jim Crane 8:09PM 05/28/2004
- Free Website photo Advertising of Trucks/Equipment - Fleet Trade 5:55PM 05/28/2004
- Got the M-37 done ready for the Weekend! - Willy-N 5:03PM 05/28/2004
- 318 heads on a 360? - Joe Cimoch 3:14PM 05/28/2004
- Hauling company: Need recommendations - Jeff in N. Texas 7:30AM 05/28/2004
- going to a gym. - steve 11:08PM 05/27/2004
- AAA Email me - John Foster 10:52PM 05/27/2004
- Attention Texans - Rick in SC 10:04PM 05/27/2004
- How do you get smoke smell out? - Tim Holloway 9:43PM 05/27/2004
- trade - a p bloom 9:03PM 05/27/2004
- Anyone have space from Iowa Rally to Michigan on truck/trail - Pieter 8:55PM 05/27/2004
- New to the site - John 7:57PM 05/27/2004
- Town Wagon rubber mat; where? - chris macallister 7:51PM 05/27/2004
- Product Line - Dave Maher 7:24PM 05/27/2004
- 1945 Factory shorty WDX for sale also 1954 - John Smith 6:06PM 05/27/2004
- Mopar's New Add! - Marty 5:59PM 05/27/2004
- Fontana, CA California Speedway - Bill Kerfoot 4:51PM 05/27/2004
- 5.7 Hemi on e-Bay... - Dana 4:48PM 05/27/2004
- Best Seat for PW: - Greg 4:41PM 05/27/2004
- WANTED: Running Boards for Wedding - Dan in Missouri 4:05PM 05/27/2004
- Greatest ever film with a dodge in it? - Gordon 3:47PM 05/27/2004
- It's finally on the road! - Bob Thompson 3:44PM 05/27/2004
- P44 engine - Ken See 2:51PM 05/27/2004
- Cliff, your Lock Right axle problem - Don in Missouri 9:34AM 05/27/2004
- wierd power wagon on ebay - Jim Chance 7:47AM 05/27/2004
- Ken see Centered rear end - bob silvernale 4:40AM 05/27/2004
- 92 Dodge Auto to Standard Swap info needed - John Foster 0:37AM 05/27/2004
- Anyone live near Hillsboro, Oregon? - Jeff in N. Texas 10:48PM 05/26/2004
- Paul in NY's Syrup - arthur p bloom 9:53PM 05/26/2004
- scott from the wild horse winery. - steve 9:46PM 05/26/2004
- Tail shaft cover plate wanted - Chuck 9:18PM 05/26/2004
- 1st.power wagon - Duane Aldridge 8:07PM 05/26/2004
- Sunset Stone - Kurt Hirte 7:11PM 05/26/2004
- Too Much Tire? - J Gilly 6:30PM 05/26/2004
- dodge truck parts for sale 1939-71 - powerwagonjohn 5:34PM 05/26/2004
- power steering help - mannyc 5:30PM 05/26/2004
- PW and Dodge diesel parts interchange.... - Slim Pickens 4:11PM 05/26/2004
- Aberdeen Rally and East Coast Convoy Photos - CGarbee 3:55PM 05/26/2004
- PW's spotted near Carlin, Nevada last night - Russ/Wyo 2:14PM 05/26/2004
- Engine Paint - Dave 1:51PM 05/26/2004
- Hollister Pics - MoparNorm 1:35PM 05/26/2004
- Fairfield - 14 Days - Jill 1:24PM 05/26/2004
- Thanks Steven Fowler - Jack Cain 1:23PM 05/26/2004
- Lock Right break-in procedure? - Don in Missouri 12:02PM 05/26/2004
- Judd Got a Close up of your new Mod Truck? - Willy-N 11:27AM 05/26/2004
- attn: Joe Cimoch - AAA 10:37AM 05/26/2004
- exhaust manifold for M37 - Doug Boeve 9:47AM 05/26/2004
- MORE MOWAG - Peter 7:54AM 05/26/2004
- More pictures from Hollister. - Jonas 1:00AM 05/26/2004
- The devestation is horrible! see pics - Judd 0:09AM 05/26/2004
- M37 steel hardtop for sale. - Jon Martin 11:25PM 05/25/2004
- The part I hate - (Mark)John Deere Green 9:06PM 05/25/2004
- carb rebuild - Paul Sanborn 8:17PM 05/25/2004
- Winch Experts What are these out of? Pict - Willy-N 8:09PM 05/25/2004
- excellent service - T-roy 7:50PM 05/25/2004
- MOWAG ??? - Joe Cimoch 7:22PM 05/25/2004
- Texas Boys Make CA Rally, nude pics of BZ revealed...... - MoparNorm 6:19PM 05/25/2004
- wc 1/2 transmission - Jim 5:21PM 05/25/2004
- a problem with my Power Wagon - Alan 4:55PM 05/25/2004
- Link to pics from Hollister.... - Dwight in Ft.Worth 3:09PM 05/25/2004
- Make sure your trailer brakes are working well. - Keith in Washington 2:50PM 05/25/2004
- 48 B-1 Bumpers - Dave 2:30PM 05/25/2004
- WT-500 Todd wilson - Jeff 2:02PM 05/25/2004
- Hallam Power Wagon Owner's Mother Died - Judd's Wife Carol 1:45PM 05/25/2004
- WDX ID INFO - earl calllow 12:49PM 05/25/2004
- First pic from Hollister.... - Dwight in Ft.Worth 12:12PM 05/25/2004
- Thanks CA Rally Staff - Keith in Washington 11:18AM 05/25/2004
- Lock outs for a WC 1/2t - Mac from Texas 9:23AM 05/25/2004
- Another Diesel Question - Sully 5:49AM 05/25/2004
- non hanging pedals - Jon in Mississippi 2:31AM 05/25/2004
- Might sell my WC...... - Amarillo Shon 1:22AM 05/25/2004
- How do I gear down? - randy 0:35AM 05/25/2004
- Mystery vehicle was a 1941 comand car - Bruce Mitchell 0:02AM 05/25/2004
- Chrysler Indusrial Engines - Mel 10:27PM 05/24/2004
- OT Super nice M-35 multi fuel duece FS - Judd 10:21PM 05/24/2004
- OT: wanted. delete now! - arthur p bloom 10:00PM 05/24/2004
- Hollister Rally - Thanks to all who attended - KenW 9:39PM 05/24/2004
- 1991 W-250 sold so I need a new diesel - Dan Shockley 9:23PM 05/24/2004
- 1949 Dodge Power Wagon $4,000 [MO] - Photo Classified 8:43PM 05/24/2004
- Coil balast resister - Russ Prior 4:15PM 05/24/2004
- Engine and tranny swap - Zach 3:56PM 05/24/2004
- O/T: Nebraska's tornados... - Dana 1:38PM 05/24/2004
- 48 WDX PW for sale $2300.00 can bring to Iowa - John Smith 12:47PM 05/24/2004
- Big Electic Forum - Viruses? - Drew M. 12:18PM 05/24/2004
- CA PW Rally - Dave 11:24AM 05/24/2004
- 318 cooling question - Cliff in SD 9:36AM 05/24/2004
- Need haul from KY to TX - john foster 10:01PM 05/23/2004
- Haul from Cali to TX? - Jeff S 9:46PM 05/23/2004
- Kevin Foust's amazing SS 1/2 ton WC grill - Joe Cimoch 7:58PM 05/23/2004
- M-37 Pintle Hitch on EBay Complete one - Willy-N 7:57PM 05/23/2004
- Looking for a ride to the Iowa Rally? - Tim Holloway 6:01PM 05/23/2004
- Ca PW Rally Thank You - Kurt Hirte 5:55PM 05/23/2004
- M37 Fuel Pump - John 5:49PM 05/23/2004
- Power Wagon Hauler For Sale - Paul Cook 5:36PM 05/23/2004
- Mobile Military Show ? - Marvin 5:25PM 05/23/2004
- help - coletrain 4:57PM 05/23/2004
- Re: help - dc 11:22PM 05/23/2004
- Re: help - Chris In Idaho 6:08PM 05/23/2004
- Re: help - Paul(in NY) 5:00PM 05/23/2004
- Re: help - Chris In Idaho 6:10PM 05/23/2004
- Re: help - Paul(in NY) 6:57PM 05/23/2004
- Brought back the wrecked '92 CTD yesterday - Russ/Wyo 4:15PM 05/23/2004
- PWs as Tractors, now tractors as trucks - George in MW Mich 2:59PM 05/23/2004
- I have found several power do I post a jpeg ? - Bruce Mitchell 11:49AM 05/23/2004
- 318/NP435-Repower for WC - Sparky 11:10AM 05/23/2004
- OT - eBay auction - funny divorce forces sale - Joe Cimoch 10:53AM 05/23/2004
- OT: Trailer Trash - Alan Koester 10:02AM 05/23/2004
- Mass. to Va. shipping? - S. Bear 9:58AM 05/23/2004
- 'P' code engines in half ton WC's ? - Gordon 8:59AM 05/23/2004
- Drag Link - Correct Installation - Will (in MI) 8:59AM 05/23/2004
- Unrestored '47 WDX - Mark Cutter 1:49AM 05/23/2004
- Nebraska gets Hammered!!! - SUPRDUD 1:32AM 05/23/2004
- Thanks Eric B. - Ron in San Mateo 1:13AM 05/23/2004
- 354 hemi ? - pat 0:23AM 05/23/2004
- sure is quiet tonight - eds 0:17AM 05/23/2004
- WC-56 on "The Omega Man" - Eric B. 11:55PM 05/22/2004
- Worn Pitman Arm - Will (in MI) 10:40PM 05/22/2004
- what is this? - T-roy 9:21PM 05/22/2004
- Just in time for the Iowa Rally...... - Todd Somers 8:35PM 05/22/2004
- Havnt we seen the WH-47 before? - S. Bear 8:15PM 05/22/2004
- Pinion Shaft Seal Repair - S. Bear 7:42PM 05/22/2004
- 1954 Power Wagon For Sale - Chris 6:28PM 05/22/2004
- seawolf submarine green color number - dave 5:38PM 05/22/2004
- Why is it that the last bolt to come out always has to break - Joe Cimoch 4:52PM 05/22/2004
- Todd Wilson vacuum leak - Robert N. 4:44PM 05/22/2004
- Forged pistons and bearongs on e-bay - jack cain 3:29PM 05/22/2004
- '58 W100 on ebay - Champe 2:04PM 05/22/2004
- Drag Link Repair - Will (in MI) 1:59PM 05/22/2004
- OT: Allis WF rear wheel rims, etc. - Joe Lorenzino 12:41PM 05/22/2004
- Windshield Frame Disassembly - Help - Will (in MI) 12:34PM 05/22/2004
- FREE for the taking! 230ci FH6 in 58 TP. - Eric B. 11:25AM 05/22/2004
- Classifieds photo paint color? - Glen 11:03AM 05/22/2004
- 318/NP435 for WC repower - Sparky 10:49AM 05/22/2004
- Kilometer speedo - Kevin 10:32AM 05/22/2004
- Anyone have a number for Chris? - S. Bear 9:56AM 05/22/2004
- Im here, late again!!! - S. Bear 9:51AM 05/22/2004
- ALMOST! - RDavis 9:02AM 05/22/2004
- Hah... tea time - Gordon 8:14AM 05/22/2004
- Eric, to answer your question - Joe Cimoch 7:58AM 05/22/2004
- Its like a ghost town after a refresh ntxt - Paul(in NY) 7:40AM 05/22/2004
- I'm First? - Will (in MI) 7:31AM 05/22/2004
- Welcome to Forum #140 - Joe Cimoch 7:31AM 05/22/2004