Posted by Nick... on Monday, May 31, 2004 at 6:16PM :
In Reply to: Sorry way to live...... posted by MoparNorm on Monday, May 31, 2004 at 10:08AM :
Hey look;
Before this gets out of hand, I'll be the man to bow out. I just don't want people reading this and forumlating an image of me as some sleasebag used car salesman type who would rob his own mother. I don't profess to be sqeaky clean, as I think most here aren't either(its easy for many to hide behind a computer keyboard)but would have others think they walk on water. I'm merely trying to assist the guy in gettin ghis truck back. Sometimes it might take a slightly underhanded measure to get what you want. If you're dealing with a person who seems to be below board, as the person who bought Willy's truck seems to be, then you must fight fire with fire I guess.
One thing Mopar, don't throw rocks unless you can turn water into wine, and fill baskets with fish. I'm not the dirtbag you're protraying me to be. 95% honest yes, dirtbag no!