Posted by Eric B. on Saturday, May 22, 2004 at 8:21PM :
In Reply to: Havnt we seen the WH-47 before? posted by S. Bear on Saturday, May 22, 2004 at 8:15PM :
1946 2 ton cab and front clip mounted to a ??? frame and running gear, with a 1/2 ton 39-476 bed.
Nothing original about it that I can see.
The VIN number comes up as a late 1946 2 ton 2wd WH-47, so that is why I think that is what the cab is, and the front clip is that of a 41-47 1 1/2 or 2 ton, you can tell for sure by the backs of the fenders.
We have seen this truck a couple times before on E-bay, and we even had a guy that bought it off E-bay post about buying it and looking for more info.
That was maybe 8 months ago?
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