Posted by Will (in IL) [] on Monday, August 24, 2009 at 20:53:38 :
In Reply to: Will, that is a crazy attachment in your messages. posted by David N Lundstrom [] on Monday, August 24, 2009 at 18:36:56 :
I believe he is trying to Change the method of government, and it is evident in his moves to consolidate powers into the Legislative branch. Call is Social ism or what ever you believe the method to be, but it's not the Republic that this Nation was founded on. He is trying to take over and circumvent the separation of powers and become a dictator, or what ever label you want. He and the rest of his power elites want to tell us how to live our lives. they want us to live as they say not as they do.
This change in method of government has been under way by both side, it's just more aggressive on the Left side. The Conservative side is just less intrusive.
The Federal Government is not here to provide our every need, nor is it to tell us how they think we should live out lives. This is not supposed to be a country of entitlements, its a land of opportunity and you are supposed to be able to archive what you are capable of, not be given what ever you want like a spoiled child.
God bless you,
Government is not the answer, GOD is!
God, Family and Guns – Conservative Christian.
The Essence of Freedom is the Proper Limitation of Government.
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