Posted by 48PW [] on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 12:41:11 :
In Reply to: That is one way of looking at it... posted by Eric B. [] on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 11:40:46 :
The problem is of course who pays?
The OMB and MIT concede that there are "no savings" to be had by the government running healthcare in this country.
That means in essence that taxes have to go up significantly or provided care (medicare, medicaid, VA) has to go down - rationed and of course rationing means having to decide who gets care and who doesn't, like deciding wether or not to give your elderly mom that heart bypass surgery or encouraging abortions because in the long run fewer patients mean less costs.
Tax the rich you say! they've got plenty of money.
Yes, and they will take their money and move it offshore where it isn't taxed as heavily. Less investment = fewer jobs created.
Tax the corporations you say! they've got plenty of money.
Yes, and they will pass along the cost to the consumer via higher prices.
Then tax the middle class you say!
Hey buddy, that's me and I ain't got any money to spare.
Tough one, isn't it.
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