But Will...

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Posted by Eric B. [] on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 09:23:44 :

In Reply to: Re: I shouldn't say anything, but.... posted by Will (in IL) [] on Monday, August 24, 2009 at 22:14:13 :

The Government does need to be involved, without the Government setting rules, or some sort of standard the health insurance companies will continue to cherry pick the most healthy and deny those with any sort of health problem, unless they are part of a large pool like a state government or a large company.

In Germany the system is run by private health insurance companies, but they are limited to something like 2% profit, and they have to take everyone. There are multiple choices of company, and people get to choose which one they use.

If memory serves we spend something like 16% of our GDP on health care, Vs 8% in much of the rest of the developed world, yet our health care effectiveness is not the top in most studies.

I think we need the Government to set limits, and require all people be covered. Preferably with some sort of care that is tied to the individual, so people can change jobs without fear of losing their health care.

One big problem with all the debate going on is that many people seem fine with Medicare when they turn 65, but they are really offended by the idea of a public option for those under 65. Why is that? Do you think the people that say no to a public option now will turn down Medicare when they turn 65?

Of course a public option may not be the best route, but the arguments against it that I have heard in the news have often been less than rational. I like debate, but as many people here know, I like facts better.

I am sorry to hear you are on COBRA because you lost your job, hopefully something comes along before it runs out! If not check into continuing after COBRA runs out, I managed to do that once, though the premiums were STEEP. Good luck!


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