Posted by copey on Friday, May 01, 2009 at 11:25:34 :
This morning while geting coffe there was a line up at the drive threw > so i had some time to think and was looking at the cars ahead of the 12 cars 9 were off shore built > now i can remember 30 40 and fifty years ago PICK any three things Tires < Autos < Tvs Steros Telephones < Appliances < Tools < Tractors < and tell the name of the North American Manufacture > Tires Goodyear Firestone B F Gooodrich>Autos GMC. Ford, Chysler > Tools Snap on , Craftsman ,Grey >Tractors John Deere ,Case , International > you see were I am headed here what has happened, is we have done this to the economy and no one else > i am not saying imported goods are bad, there are some great things that cross the pond BUT we had all here before they came > so take a look around you and see what you have that could have been made here it will surprize you too see whats not MADE HERE ~ Copey
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