Posted by David on Saturday, May 02, 2009 at 19:29:56 :
In Reply to: Re: PICK 3 any 3 posted by Marty on Saturday, May 02, 2009 at 00:19:40 :
Many people including yourself think the low price of manufacturing overseas is from lower wages, that is only partly true. It is also because of the non existant safety and enviormental laws which other countries have to abide by.
As an example, at the ship breakers in India it is not uncommon to have a person killed every week, and all toxic liquids drained right into the harbor or river. I don't want that here, and I don't want it overseas either. Have you ever delivered a ship to a foriegn breaker and seen this first hand, I have. The vessels are driven right up the mud bank and left.
I worked in shipyards in Korea in the early 80's and all vessels were sandblasted with the latest technology. Inside tanks were kept dehumidified before coatings were applied. I attended shipyards in China since the mid ninties and most recent last year. All bare steel is sandblasted and all used blast grit goes into the Yangztee River with alot of other stuff.
We lost the ship building and repair business to Japan over 40 years ago. It is the Japanese that have shown the rest of the world how to build vessels correctly. A few US companies just recently started purchasing ships from China but they trade foriegn. Almost all US ships and barges have to be domestic built, because of the cabatoge law of the Jones Act. Any ship or barge that trades between two US ports must be US built.
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