Posted by Steve on Saturday, May 02, 2009 at 03:58:20 :
In Reply to: PICK 3 any 3 posted by copey on Friday, May 01, 2009 at 11:25:34 :
There is no need to work for less money.
You guys will think I'm nuts and that is fine.
Research David Rockefeller and the crap that POS has been up to for the last 30 years...
This is a big game to the power elites to spread "capitalism" world wide, line their pockets while doing it, and ultimately control all aspects of a world economy.
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself "how can things be going so wrong and nobody is doing anything about it?"
Think about that...
There is NO reason for the US not to have import tariffs that level the playing field with wages in other countries.
Further, kill the tax loops and penalize the companies that want to manufacture overseas.
Lastly, eliminate this BS where the top brass of companies are making MILLIONS or Hundreds of millions a year. NOBODY is worth that and it is a direct drain on company resources.
The capitalism model is fatally flawed and people had better wake up and smell the coffee. The basic concept of an economy or business always growing year over year at 20% is simply BS. Fire the snot-nosed harvard or yale grads that have NO idea of how to build anything and are clueless on how to manage.
Take the ridiculous salaries and pump them back into R & D.
Kill off the whole planned obsolescence concept and set design standards that force companies to actually build decent products that last.
Govt has NO business running private businesses - even temporarily.
Let the banks that were in trouble fail so the good ones could fill the resulting vacuum
Let GM and Chrysler fail also. They will either be restructured into well run companies or will be eliminated.
A comment about Chrysler - Force Cerebrus (sp?) to step up and fund or sell off Chrysler. This speaks to what I'm getting at that a holding fund can own the company and have their hand out for govt help because they **choose** not to allocate their own capital because it is a subsidiary. Bunch of BS!!!!
The problem is not the American worker, nor their wages. It is unchecked greed, a broken banking system, a govt that is for sale to the highest bidder, the concept that a business that breaks even isn't good enough, acceptance of crappy quality, business schools that don't know crap about how to actually run anything teaching others how to do the same, etc, etc, etc...
Think of the logic here - we have a military that runs on oil, steel and computer chips. We don't have our own oil supplies, we no longer manufacture much steel, and we make almost no chips here... Brilliant move by the political know-it-alls to decimate not only our manufacturing but also our technology edge in order to promote their ideology. IDIOTS!!!!!
I recently wrote the CEO of Irwin tools because I'd read that Vise Grip Pliers are now going to be made in china. I told him that if he thought it was so great to have the products build there, that he should also go live with his workers...
American companies don't need to be worrying about or trying to compete with thirty cents a day. Our borders need to be tight, and we need to focus on building high quality products that will be sold and used here.
The concept that America needs to be the world policeman and push our form of government on the rest of the world is pure BS...
The rest of the world is welcome to hold their own tea parties or civil wars...
End of rant.
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