Posted by Tim Holloway on Sunday, December 14, 2008 at 11:03:37 :
Friday morning I was plowing out thew driveway with the power Wagon. I was pushing the snow at the end of the drive sideways, I was across the end of the drive when I ran out of gas. I had the end of the drive plugged perfectly. I was thinking I would get the backhoe out and drag the truck out of the way so I could go to the General Store to fill a gas can.
Just then A pickup truck pulled up and asked if I was stuck? I told him, no, just out of gas. Seeing that I was completely blocking my road he offered to run me to the store. I grabbed my gas can and we were off.
He was a local, who I know but not very well. He asked how many Power Wagons I had. 12 I replied. He mentioned that he was on the Monkton Selectboard and at a recent meeting another member of the board asked "what about that junkyard on Mountain Road that has all those Power Wagons?" Pete, the guy who had picked me up said "thats just a guys hobby, we arent going there" He mentioned that it might be a good idea to try to store them as out of sight as possible. He also told me that the VT law only allows for 3 unregistered vehicles, but it is usually not enforced. This was the first I have heard of that law, or that anyone was taking note of the trucks. I keep it neat, with the trucks in orderly lines, but I guess it still bothered somebody. I guess I need to step up the dismantling process!
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