Differential with broken bolts, stripped threads

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Posted by Joe Gustafson on Monday, June 09, 2008 at 22:50:53 :

Since everyone was so helpful with my air filter question earlier today, I've got a multi-part question on my differential.

The model number of my truck is B-1-EUF117. The shop manual I have is for the B-3 models, but in that it says that the differential in the B-3-EU models is the same as in the B-3-PW (Power Wagon) models. The parts book that I have suggests that there was no change in the differentials between the B-1 and the B-3 series. So, logically, I could use the differential from any B-1 or B-3 series Power Wagon.

Here's my problem: Of the 8 bolts that hold the differential to the frame, three are broken off and one has lost some threads. I have tried to remove the broken bolts with an easy-out, and although I have not yet broken an easy-out, I haven't had any luck either. The tap handles keep stripping, and using a crescent wrench on the easy-out didn't budge them. I also have some short extractor bits that can be turned with a half-inch socket, but they won't grab hold. The holes I drilled in the bolts was pretty well centered, but maybe I drilled them too big and got too close to the threads. But, if I'd used a smaller hole, I probably would have broken an easy-out by now given the amount of force I've applied.

So, among my burning questions are:
1. Is there anything else I should try to remove the broken bolts that I haven't tried already?
2. Is there any way to restore the threads of the one that's stripping?
3. Anyone know of a good place to find a B-1 or B-3 Power Wagon differential, or if they're difficult to change out? I've done the outside rear u-joints before and I found that job horrendous, they didn't press out easily at all.
4. Any other strategies to remove these bolts or at least make the holes usable again that I might not have considered? (And yes, I've tried a torch, no luck.)

Any and all thoughts are appreciated! Thanks!

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