Posted by Fred Darvill on Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 4:54PM :
I finally had time to pull the oil pressure relif spring-going to replace it with a fresh new one from VPW. Well, VPW sent the wrong spring. Mine is 1 and 7/8 long-theirs was 1 and 1/2 and much lighter duty than the one already in the truck. What did you use for a shim and how much shim thickness did you start with? I have almost 40 lbs of pressure cold which drops to 13-15 lbs in 20-30 minutes then seems to hold. It used to be less but I've been running 3 qts of 30wt and topping off with 50wt.
Anybody else have any experience with correcting the loss of pressure or had success shimming?
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