Posted by CSCameron [] on Saturday, June 09, 2012 at 13:55:15 :
Well, been filling engine with Marvel Mystery Oil, through the spark plug holes, for the past several days trying to get the pistons covered. Finally, after putting over 4 gals in, it started draining out of the tail pipe. I guess I can't get the pistons covered like some suggested?
So at this point, it is as full as I can get it. Good news, no leaks anywhere. I'm going to let it sit for a few days and then try to get some movement.
Took the thermostat housing off and peered into the head, looks fine, no major buildup just a light orange color rust layer that can be wiped off with a rag. I poured several quarts of water through the opening and it drained out the water pump. No particles, clean. I put some Flush in and let it sit. Will flush it out Mon.
More later...
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