Posted by Dana [] on Monday, March 14, 2011 at 08:36:30 :
In Reply to: Frame Blasted and Primered posted by JohnD [] on Sunday, March 13, 2011 at 19:57:11 :
HEY, that looks like my M-37... I mean, if it was still all red and brown and covered with surface rust.
Quick question - did you disassemble the springs and do them all individually? What's the general consensus on that? I've heard both ways: just spray them, or break them all down and clean 'em up and spray them seperately before reassembling. Waaaay easier to leave them together (my original plan!) but some say it gives a better ride if they're "buffered" between each spring, even if that buffer is only a coat of paint. Would there really be that much different of a ride?...
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