Posted by Doc Dave [] on Monday, March 14, 2011 at 13:02:40 :
In Reply to: Springs question... posted by Dana [] on Monday, March 14, 2011 at 08:36:30 :
In light of what Paul discovered, I may have been mistaken in what I did, but in my case, my spring leaves were rusted together when I got the truck. In order to free them so they could work normally, I took them apart, blasted them and shot epoxy primer and then urethane paint on them individually.
When reassembling them, I applied a thin layer of marine red grease between the leaves.
I have not re-lubed them. I cannot see that they move very much in a PW. I wonder if the spring engineers were more concerned with lighter spring packs with a lot of movement in them? Anyway, I did not want rust to get going again between the leaves.
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