Posted by Jerry in Idaho [] on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 11:14:39 :
So much for my son driving the '49 PW in "Lost in the '50s" parade. He set out on a test run Thurs., only to have the ride come to an abrupt stop. The engine quit on him going down the road. No loud bang, clunk, just quit. The starter would not turn the engine over. I thought the starter had failed. I tried to start it while towing it home, but no dice. I pulled the starter and had it bench tested thoroughly and it proved to be fine. I took a bar under the truck and pried on the ring gear. Could only rotate the engine about 12-15 teeth in each direction. My son said there was no noise, no smoke, no steam, it just quit.
I am thinking it is either a seized bearing, broken piston, crank, or camshaft, or something simpler, like broken distributor shaft or ? But it seems like nothing is ever simple. I'm going to drop the pan and check the distributor shaft. Would appreciate any suggestions before I proceed. Thanks. JH
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