Crunching Numbers

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Posted by copey on Monday, December 15, 2008 at 10:35:31 :

long time, over 50 years a go i had a teacher , he said that our class was to "slow " 'to learn general subjects > he said he would teach us to write neatly so when we were arrested we could read our statemant in court and he taught us bussiness > you can live on little profits but not on little losses > he taught us to crunch numbers or to cost out a job> now this bail out talk for the big 3 has me thinking i dont know the exact number of people to loose there jobs or how much they pay in federal taxes But for argumentive purposes and discussion only ill work in general numbers and terms > so here i go lets take away 10,000 jobs due to plant closures, your goverment used to collect a 100 dollars per week in federal taxes for 52 weeks, a employee works > now your govenment must send out check to to 10,000 people for 52 of a hundred a week for unemployment see were i am going with this > but if you do keep people working they still keep spending and i am sure in the long run the government makes a return > in reality the true destiny remains in the share holders which are only fair weathered friends ie profiting ~ J

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