Posted by Kaegi on Tuesday, December 21, 2004 at 12:44PM :
In Reply to: Why were FFPW's created? posted by Northern Calif Dave on Tuesday, December 21, 2004 at 12:10PM :
Those answers are very long, but I can tell you that dodge got the contract for that class of vehicle (I am unsure of what year) as a result of their performance in WW 1. Pancho Villa had Dodges and the U.S. had Fords and he was literally driving around the fords (fords only went 35 to 45) at speeds of 55 mph plus and shooting them to bits. So the U.S. immediately went out and bought a bunch of Dodges to keep up with Pancho Villa.
Maybe you should buy some books about Dodge Trucks and their history. There are some good ones out there