Progress Update

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Posted by Karl [] on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 19:32:56 :

Hey guys I used the old drippy radiator to be able to run my truck to accomplish the final tuning and to run the driveline and everything worked as advertised.
With the truck on jack stands ran through all the gears, went into low range and ran through all I could there tested the 4 wheel drive system and again all was exactly as I had hoped! Its not that I have any questions on my abilities BUT its sure darned nice to see EVERYTHING doing exactly what it should!! This morning I loaded the old girl up and took it to the restoration shop to have the cab and bed mounted, when done I will do the wiring and I need a set of good tail lights then mount the front end sheet metal, fenders and running boards! I think I see the light so to speak!

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