Posted by clueless [] on Monday, September 05, 2016 at 11:30:25 :
mc when i got my new wheel cylinders
but at the time was thinking dual mc upgrade which i still am---so
i have the dual mc mod complete-it bolts to the stock bracket and the filler resevoir(s--may use one or may use two--one for each circuit) will be on the fire wall with hoses to fittings(welded or threaded??) into steel plate that clamps down on rubber cups (that i will drill sm holes in for the fittings to push thru) on top of the mc inlets--thereby sealing it--the resevoir(s) i will make out of threaded water pipe and caps(one on the bottom drilled and threaded or welded for the brake line hose fitting and one on the top as a cap--even found a bellows that fits in the cap and will drill a tiny hole in the cap to let air in and out--i gotta do new brake lines anyway cuz most of em are junk---the reason i wanted to use it as a single circuit is i only have one hydravac --------so i am torn between that and just removing it and going dual circuit manual and wait till i get some more doe and get another one
and i amnot sure how good the one i have is yet) but i thought it would be cool to use it as one circuit and get the air over hydraulic brakes------another possibility is plumb dual but with the hydravac working only on one(front or rear??)-----daryl i believe mentioned that some vehicles at some point in time came that way
by the same token i would like to see if the dual mc can funtion as a single -- sheer curiousity at this point in time
another option is to drill my stock mc out to 1 5/16-- i was looking at the parts house and app. the 1 5/16 cups will fit on my stock mc piston be kind of cool if this was an option for those that want to use their pitted stock mc--might brake more better
never a dull moment in my mind anyway!!!!!!!!!!
best rgds to all
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