Posted by Daryl in Oz [] on Wednesday, September 07, 2016 at 07:31:53 :
In Reply to: Re: brake update -i should have ordered the stock posted by clueless [] on Tuesday, September 06, 2016 at 20:30:31 :
Ed, don't get confused with what you are trying to achieve. As I understand you are trying to improve the standard drum brakes so you can lock up the wheels with less leg pressure? To achieve this all you need is to boost the pressure evenly across all shoes. Remember you have 4 sets of brakes on the back and only 2 sets on the front, so have to be careful to maintain the same balance. Personally I feel if you want to maintain the original design balance, you could use the original master with a single booster. No proportioning valve or any other modifications. These trucks were designed to use a single master and the brakes work well as designed - if properly adjusted you can lock up the wheels if you stomp hard enough - we're not talking a high speed high performance vehicle, but a 70+ year old low performance truck that's probably not going to be driven much over 40mph in real terms unless there's a lot of things modified.
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