Posted by CSCameron [] on Monday, October 26, 2015 at 17:42:05 :
Ok, I was able to remount the dual rim on the inside position today to test for anything hitting it when I rotated the tire. Unfortunately, the valve stem hits the caliper and not by a little bit. :(
You can see in the pics that I added to the slideshow where the valve stem was contacting the caliper and how it hangs down. There is no adjusting the valve stem clearance.
I would have to have a 1 to 1.5 inch spacer made to push the dual rim out far enough for the valve stem to clear the caliper.
For grins, I also checked to see if a stock brake drum would fit inside the dual rim, it does not. So, the dual rim (by itself) will not work on the inside position with either drum or disc brakes. It may work on a disc setup with a spacer. Any spacer will require longer lugs as well (the added length will equal the width of whatever size spacer is used).
I also determined that with these Yellow Sea radials, if using a stock rim with a dual rim combo, the tires will just touch. So, a spacer would be needed for that setup also. The width of the spacer would be determined by how much space you would require between the tires. Probably at least a 1 inch spacer would be required along with 1 inch longer lugs.
SO, for anyone that is running duals on their FFPW, I sure would appreciate some feedback on how you're doing it?
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