Posted by The Dodge Boys [] on Saturday, July 14, 2012 at 13:28:49 :
I got a call this week a customer called about fixing his flat. Told him stop by and we can take care of it for him. [New Customer] He stops and he is dressed in a suit.SO i go out to get the tire, its in his trunk. 3AS put the spare on for him. The tire is shot the inside is worn down to the steel belt. I tell him that it cant be fixed. Show him the damage. He says you can patch that In said no it needs a new tire. He say I just had the car Serviced how can that be. I said well you didn't have it serviced here.I get him a new tire and explain to him he needs a wheel alignment so not to ruin his new tire and check the others. He thanks me and goes on his way. Some people cant even change a light bulb. Smart but at the same time dumb as a stump. I get a surprise everyday. Good Bless American she needs even now more than ever. Bill
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