Posted by Glen Id [] on Thursday, April 12, 2012 at 10:42:52 :
last forum I posted some symptoms of a problem I had with my new engine. After running it long enough to warm up I set the valve lash .017 and.023 then point gap .017 and dwell 30 and finally ignition timing at 6 bftdc witch was just under 10 degrees using the adjustable timing light.Then set the carburetor idle valves with the vacume gauge at a steady 18.8-19.
Breaking in a new cam it is good to keep the rpms up to make sure it is bathed in oil the first several minutes. and that is where I encountered the problem. It would not run at a steady rpm over idle and would hunt wildly like it was running out of gas intermittently.
When I unplugged the vacume advance hose to do the final ignition timing check and revved it up it had stabilized. Back in the day I had a Sun distributor test stand sure could use it now, anyway what do you suppose I found wrong? Everything new there including the diaphragm, points condenser.
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