Posted by 64crewcabs [] on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 09:12:37 :
In Reply to: W500 Scrapped out makes me sick posted by The Jeep Guy Restorations [] on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 08:07:53 :
I live in small town which until recently still had ww2 trucks and such laying around from the close of one of the largest naval aviator training stations in the world nas chase feild, recently a scrap yard has opened up here and since they have changed the title laws needed before scrapping all kinds of newer trucks and old wc's and w100 200 300s and some d500s have been on top of the scrap mountian when i drive by the local dairy queen into town, a lot of older tractors are ending up being cut up with the gas axe as well that are standing to close to a road in plain view, it weird to see them like on a butcher table bleeding transfluid or motor oil out the air cleaner due to the magnet catching them to put on the gut pile, the other day i cringed when i saw a d300 dually with budds and pieplates quartered and drawn, lots of the tractors have been stolen without the owners permission but once they are in the yard its down the road to mexico in 2 or 3 days and how do u prove they got the truck tractor planter tool bar etc etc and who sold it etc etc, I have had the methheads try to drive in on me with butane torches but the dogs and fences have kept them out so far, anything close to the road is in danger now days, lots of farms down here have no fencing and they can spy iron for miles to steal with winch and long hauler sloped 1 ton dually junker bed, i get nervous every time i see the truck in town and wonder what treasure with they find next to sell for pennies for more drugs or just greed. There outta be a law....