Posted by 74w300uteline [] on Saturday, September 03, 2011 at 08:32:13 :
In Reply to: OT: Confederate flag debate / 55TP posted by Gary in CO [] on Friday, September 02, 2011 at 22:34:53 :
I am so sick and tired of hearing about slavery and evil whitey. its our fault bla bla bla. we deprived them of their rich cultural garden of eden by dragging them here. Africa is a turd world dump. the decendents of slaves should be gratefull that their ancestors suffered tremendous hardships to give them a Shot at the American dream. My Irish and Scottish ancestors endured hardship and injuries building the railroads. Do I cry and moan about the railroads, NO. If "afreakin Americans" dont like it here, go back to the joyride gigglefest Africa. there are lots of homeless flies looking for an eyeball to lay eggs in.