Posted by Will (in IL) [] on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 18:03:49 :
Well I broke the steering box pitman arm on the M37. Any one ane one?
Follow Ups: Here is a Picture (large) - Will (in IL) 21:03:12 05/16/2010 Will - Paul(in NY) 21:41:11 05/16/2010 NOS M37 PitmanArm Picture - Paul(in NY) 21:57:47 05/16/2010 Re: NOS M37 PitmanArm Picture - Will (in IL) 22:15:36 05/16/2010 Re: NOS M37 PitmanArm Picture - Mike Hernke 10:14:03 05/17/2010 M37 Pitman Arm weak point. Need to swap? Paul? - Chriscase 10:47:18 05/17/2010 Chris - Paul(in NY) 12:46:22 05/17/2010 Both - Will (in IL) 11:04:31 05/17/2010 Will - Paul(in NY) 12:47:33 05/17/2010 Thanks! (ntxt) - Will (in IL) 14:06:07 05/17/2010 Will, gotcha covered, arm will be shipped...ntxt - Paul(in NY) 22:39:31 05/16/2010 THANK YOU (ntxt) - Will (in IL) 22:50:44 05/16/2010 Re: Needed M37 Pitman Arm - perry boquel 18:36:48 05/16/2010 Re: Needed M37 Pitman Arm - amoretti 01:07:17 05/16/2010 Re: Needed M37 Pitman Arm - Daryl in Oz 02:34:28 05/16/2010 Re: Needed M37 Pitman Arm - Keith in Washington 01:37:22 05/16/2010 Re: Needed M37 Pitman Arm - perry boquel 19:31:16 05/15/2010 Re: Needed M37 Pitman Arm - Tim Holloway 20:28:54 05/15/2010 Re: Needed M37 Pitman Arm - Will (in IL) 18:06:31 05/15/2010 Re: Needed M37 Pitman Arm - Tim Holloway 18:19:27 05/15/2010
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