Posted by Marty on Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 12:27:00 :
In Reply to: Re: Truck Restorations in the Future posted by Dana on Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 12:00:08 :
You guys are kind of on the right track.
Kids will be restoring...there's no if's and's or maybe's...just that they'll be restoring what they coveted as teens but couldn't afford. The Mustangs & Corvettes have enjoyed recent popularity & will always be popular due to their simplicity but kids now a day are into the Imports...& it's nothing to do with emissions or fuel economy. HP=Fuel & last I looked...those little rice burners were pumping out more HP than most Hemi's of our day!
The foreign manufacturers have done an incredible job marketing their products to the kids while GM, Dodge & Ford have only dabbled in this market.
30 years from now I bet you're going to see lots of foreign iron being restored....sadly.
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