Frozen tranny

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Posted by D Sherman on Friday, December 05, 2008 at 17:41:26 :

I went to start up my M37 yesterday and could not get the gear shift to move. It's stuck in first gear. I started and warmed it up just fine, but when I let out the clutch, it would smoke and kill the engine without any hint of the truck trying to move. I put the transfer case in neutral and it didn't help. I thought maybe water had gotten down in the shift tower, so I slowly poured about 2 gallons of boiling water down over it. Still no motion. The air temperature was about 22 degrees. This morning it had warmed up to about 30, so I took a propane weed burner, crawled under the truck, and worked the transmission over pretty well with lots of flame for about 5 minutes. I thought for sure that would thaw it out if it was frozen. It even got the cab nice and warm, but still no motion. I can understand the shift tower being frozen and stuck in first gear, but why won't the truck even move in first gear? I run thick oil, but not that thick, and the weather wasn't that cold. All I can think of at this point, is some huge amount of water is in the tranny, frozen solid around the gears. However, that truck has a good cab over it, and I used it a lot over the summer, so I really can't see how that much water could get it. Any ideas?

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