Posted by David on Saturday, August 09, 2008 at 21:07:49 :
Hi all,
I couldn't find a search function so here's a post.
I recently acquired an ex military w200. Generally in decent shape. On the drive home I noticed that at low speed turning the notorious sound of a screeching belt related to power steering. You know the one that sounds like someone is torturing a Turkey to death...
This accompanied by the half turn light, half turn VERY heavy (accompanied by the death of a Turkey). I thought the fluid could be low and parked the car to check it this morning.
Low and behold the ground was covered with at least 1 quart if not more of ATF like fluid; power steering fluid (I did check for other culprits but 1+1=2 in this case) The steering is the same this morning AND when idling in Park if you give some gas the belt squeels like hell, also when you try to turn the wheel. The weird thing is that it did this when I first started the truck when I bought it a week ago, but it then wen't away. Only to come back while parking at the end of my drive home yesterday.
I topped the reservoir on the pump up but no dice.
At higher RPM when driving yesterday there were no problems. When the engine runs it drip 1 drip per 2 minutes from the bottom of the power steering gearbox. I've read a lot about input shaft leaks but not bottom side leaks.
Can I fix this with a rebuild or should I like for a replacement part? If so do I need any special tools etc.?
Sorry for the long post, I just like to be thorough in my description as it's easier for all.
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