Posted by APB in Frigid NY on Sunday, February 24, 2008 at 16:10:54 :
So, I try to support local dealers instead of always just using the interweb.
Try to visualize the facts that I am in NY, the worst state in the Republic for exercising one's 2nd Amendment, or any, rights. I drive to the local (25 miles away) sporting goods store, and after being ignored for a few minutes, I corner a man who I think works there.
Me: "Hi, I'd like to buy some Pachmayr grips for my Python."
Him: "Do you have a permit?"
Me: "A permit? buy grips?"
Him: "Yes, I need to see your pistol permit, so I can sell you the grips. Some people come in here to buy grips for unlicensed pistols, and we could get in trouble if we sold them to you."
Me: "Yes, I have a permit. Do you have them in stock, so I can see them?
Him: "No. Can I see your permit?"
Me: "Yes, how much are they? How long will it take to order them?"
Him: "If I can order them, they will take three weeks to get here, but I need to see your permit before I can order them. We don't get much call for pistol grips, and I'm not sure we can even order them."
Me: "Have a nice day."
Got home, went online, Googled "Pachmayr" found 20,000 hits, used a website from a dealer, gave them my CC number, and three days later, while having lunch at the local lunch counter, "Brown Bobby" (the UPS guy) handed them to me instead of his having to drive up my 1200 foot bumpy driveway.
Oh, and take note, Hillary...NO N.Y. SALES TAX!!! Bwah ha ha!!!
PS. He's called "Brown Bobby" instead of Bobby Brown, because we already have someone here by that name. There's also Jason Green and his son Toby, the ferrymen, but they're black. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Black moved away. Catherine Black still lives here. (They are white.)
Brown Bobby collects and restores green tractors.
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