Posted by Paul (in NY) on Wednesday, December 26, 2007 at 12:08:16 :
In Reply to: Caine Mutiny posted by Jerry in Idaho on Wednesday, December 26, 2007 at 10:51:07 :
Captain Queig was played by H. Bogart.
Now the rest of the story;
My Uncle was a ship captain and thought it was a great movie. Along with that, as a kid, I had never been in a airplane.
His treat was to fly with me from New York to Boston, and see the movie. The rest of our family met up with us in Boston and continued on for vacation in Maine. We flew up on American Airlines. The Type of Aircraft, well a DC-3 of course ha ha ha. How many 100's of years has it been since American flew DC-3's. That sure puts a date on me ha ha
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