Posted by Will (in IL) on Saturday, June 30, 2007 at 13:03:17 :
Well, I finally took the time to check the fuel pressure on the M's Holley Pro-Jection, and found it to indeed be in excess of the desired 15 psi, it was 22'ish. So I cranked it down to 15, and re-tuned the truck, and wound up cranking the main fuel mixture almost all the way down, and did wind up with the idle at the lowest adjustment.
The truck sure ran smother, and actually not as rumbly, but smoother. So I proceeded to setting the acceleration setting, and the truck ran pretty good, a little more slugish than I'd remembered, but good.
Then while making sure the main and idle settings were optimum, something went wrong. rough and even richer than anytime before. I checked the TPS and found it putting out almost 1.6 vs .6 volts, so I went to adjust it, and could not get it to go low enough.
So it looks like either the TPS is shoot, or something in the control box went bad. I checked the voltage on the TPS leans not connected to the TPS and had voltage just higher than when connected, so I hope that's not a bad sign.
Waiting on a new TPS and a response from Holley. there goes the 4th of July fun.
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