Posted by Ugg (in Uggville) at IL on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 13:25:52 :
In Reply to: OT - drag exhibition fatalaties... posted by AAA on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 10:15:33 :
GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK! Displays like that go on almost every day. It looks as if they took plenty of care & caution to do this as safely as possible, but even the best laid plans of mice & men........
It was an accident. They even happen at air shows, boat shows/races. I know, we need MORE laws to protect us from ourselves. Have ya bought a new stereo lately? It may have 100 watts per channel, but if ys turn it up to loud, it's cuts out. That's so we don't make ourselves deaf.
Come on, get upset about the illegals or how the big corporations are sellin out our jobs to foreigners. Hey, let's all go live in a test tube. What ya gonna say if God forbid someone get's hurt or worse at a PW rally at a mud trail or teeterboard? Sheesh. ;>)
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