Posted by Ugg (in Uggville) at IL on Wednesday, June 20, 2007 at 09:03:35 :
In Reply to: Re: It's for your own safety; why Ugg can't have that test tube. posted by derek on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 23:58:45 :
Hey Derek:
Thanks for that. Lately I've been wunderin if them A-rab fun-dumb-mentalist have the right idea about nukin us all back into the stone age. Then maybe the next time out we'd get it right? NAW!
I'll say it again, "COMMON SENSE IS BECOMING LESS COMMON". Ya jest gotta love this Brave New World & New World Order crap.
Back on topic, they're comin out that the unfortunate driver got nailed for a DUI 7 YEARS AGO! He's also from Oz. BIG F'N DEAL! What's any of that gotta do with the fact that the freakin car broke?
That poor guys probably been pukin his guts out every day since the ACCIDENT, and has probably contimplated suicide several times already if he's normal.
Think about it, how fast was he goin? Maybe 200+ MPH? The car can hit 300. ONLY 6 people died? It sucks that anybody died, but only 6. Once again, it shows that care WAS taken to make it as safe as possible.
Now the media is hypin it all over the place, like that Paris broad. WHO CARES? What's any of that gotta do with what's really goin on? I'm gonna get serious for a minute (boy, that gives me the snakes).
Anybody read Mien Kampf? Uncle Adolph stated that ya NEED to get the people's mind off of what's goin on so you can do whatever nasty ya want. He suggested organized sports. We now call that "Smoke & Mirrors".
Today's media is nowhere near what it was in the past, a becon of truth. A Hue & Cry. Nowadays, if things even make it to the news, it's squashed into the back of a paper, or a BTW on TV.
News programs are now more a variety show then news program. Occasionally something of real importance gets out, but it soon goes away, overshadowed by the latest antics of that Paris broad, or a new fashion trend.
And we just sit on our butts & complain (if we even do that), and life goes on.