Posted by MoparNorm on Sunday, March 25, 2007 at 02:06:20 :
In Reply to: I don't understand Norm, HOW does this mention the firewall? posted by Eric B. on Sunday, March 25, 2007 at 01:29:57 :
You know, besides being a pompous ass, you can't read very well, even after posting the same thing three times. My first post may have been poorly written but it was not wrong, just incomplete. The WC12's DID use the same cab as 1939 civilian trucks, with very minor detail changes, one of which is the 4WD firewall. You obviously have some inferiority complex that compels you to spend a great deal of time picking apart the minuscule and imaginary. It doesn't bother me to be wrong, (I wasn't in this case) what bothers me is that you get so much aparent glee from pointing out the mistakes or omissions of others and then gloating like an immature child, you could learn a lot from Paul Cook, he knows how to correct someone without the attitude. "ALL the posts between Kevin and I were explaining how that was NOT true, this was never about WC12 Vs WDX cabs, it was WC12 Vs 39-47 2wd cabs. "
I never said it was WC vs. WDX, Terry's question was about civilian vs. military, the answer is civilian, I just threw the WDX valance tid bit into the mix, sorry if I confused your anal little mind, but frankly it was my post and I will write about anything I damn well please, without fear of "what will Eric think?".
Apparently you are the only one who is perfect so I won't dig up just as many posts from you with this same crap over and over. The forum doesn't need to have a discussion over your ego trip aired in public like this, so I won't write anymore in public about it.
I'll make you a deal, you don't post to my threads and I won't post to yours. Besides, I'm not that interested in someone who spends their time traveling around the coutry gutting and ruining trucks so they can sell the parts on ebay...I admire how much you have learned over the past 6 years, but I don't admire how you apply it.
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