Posted by Andy (in MI) on Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 0:38AM :
Does anybody know what normal compression would be for the 230? I seem to remember 140psi.
Follow Ups: Re: Another 230 question - Kaegi 12:13PM 01/12/2006 Re: Another 230 question - Andy (in MI) 1:38PM 01/12/2006 Re: Another 230 question - Kaegi 3:32PM 01/12/2006 Re: Another 230 question - Terry in Bozrah 10:37PM 01/12/2006 Re: Another 230 question - Kaegi 3:07AM 01/13/2006 Re: Another 230 question - Dave Speed 10:16AM 01/13/2006 Re: Another 230 question - Kaegi 1:33PM 01/13/2006 Re: Another 230 question - Kaegi 1:31PM 01/13/2006 Re: Another 230 question - Andy (in MI) 4:24PM 01/12/2006 about 90, each within 10% of highest. - chriscase 10:57AM 01/12/2006 Re: about 90, each within 10% of highest. - Andy (in MI) 1:37PM 01/12/2006 If I was the mechaninc working on that truck... - chriscase 10:44AM 01/13/2006
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