64 Power Wagon

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Posted by Kevin on April 26, 2000 at 23:43:27:

I just bought a 64 Power Wagon, I need alot of info! First off can I get an owners manual for it? My front tires do not grab when in four wheel drive, I can see the front drive shaft spining and hear a little noise from where you turn the hubs to lock them, any ideas? why does my air cleaner have oil in it? I was told it was supposed to be there. How can I find out where this truck came from, like was it a military truck or not, things like that. The bar in the front that holds the tie-rods has a slight bend in it upwards is this normal? my steering has alot of play in it any ideas as to why? I just bought new tie-rods for it and I wanted that bar for it but I do not know what it is called and the local parts stores do not list it. How do I adjust the clutch? Can I buy some type of repair manual for it that would help me with working on it? I have alot of questions, I hope someone can help me, I plan to restore the truck, it is not in bad shape at all, it runs great, it has a 318 in it I would like to rebuild just so it has new parts in it because I am sure it is tired! I also got another 64 with it for parts, the back window is larger than the one I drive, it is only a half-ton, the one I drive is a 3/4 ton, on the half ton the body is in good shape, all the chrome is intact and in good shape,it also is a four wheel drive, but there is no motor or tranny in it. I have alot of work ahead of me but it is worth it! Any help would be great. Thank you! Kevin

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