Posted by Eric B. on Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 0:21AM :
In Reply to: Re: Jason, A repeat of my last post... posted by Jason in Utah on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 5:07PM :
I have knowledge of Power Giants, I am NOT an expert, not many can claim to be!
As for your pictures, you asked me if I would post them, I told you sure, send them on Saturday, they will go up Sunday.
Later that week, while I am preparing for CT, you sent the pictures, during a time when I could not deal with them, Not on the day you said you would, and several days after you said you were ready to send them. Did I complain? No! Then there was the whole VIN problem I was waiting on a solution for.
While I was gone you posted a reprimand to me about getting your pictures up, I was out of state and could do nothing about it, and as I was doing you a favor, I thought you would be a little more polite. This made me less interested in helping you, and you fell to the back burner of importance. I have many things that need to get done, and you are still on the list, just wait until I have a bit of time.
As for your 58 W100 axle, I have not been in your area for a few months, every trip I had planned fell through for one reason or another. If I had made it out there, I would have been happy to swap.
Here is an example of a junkyard location in your area I can give, drive for a while down a big road, turn at the red barn, and look for a LCF on the side of the road. Does that help? I didn't think so, I do not have all these yards locations in some little book I can pull out. I just know how to get there by landmarks. Plus some of them I went to with friends, so they know how to get there, I do not.
I found many of these yards by asking around at local service stations, tire stores, towing services, etc. You can do the same! While I am happy to help when I can, at a certain point I feel that I should say go forth and do your own searching.
I wish you all the luck, but come on, everyone else who is waiting for me to post pictures of their trucks (and there are MANY) politely E-mail me and REMIND me, only one other person besides you has complained in over a year(and that was via E-mail, NOT on a public forum)!
I am providing a service for FREE, and if I take a bit of time in posting things, that is my business.
I do get parts for cheap, but I do not post on the forum asking for them for free! I go out and search junkyards, sometimes 20 hours from my home to get them. I also bargain, and buy many parts at once to reduce the cost per part.
I found a rear axle like the one you need 1 hour from my house, and the yard wants $125 for it. I will buy a few more parts from them, and get the cost of the axle under $100. But it took me three days of searching yards to find that axle, what is my three days of time, fuel, and wear on my truck worth?
If you spend a couple days asking around, I bet you will find an axle like yours in a yard nearby.
One more thing, cost of vehicle does NOT effect the cost of parts. I bought a truck once for $200, I spent more then that getting the TIRES changed! That was not the cost of tires, or anything, just dismounting, disposal, and remounting. So if you got your truck cheap, you should have more money to spend on parts for it.
Plus if you get a truck cheap it often costs more to fix it up, that is why you got it cheap!
Good luck in finding axle shafts, and I will post your pictures when I get time later this week.
I would prefer to conduct this discussion via E-mail, but as you keep complaining about me on the forum, I feel turnabout is fair play.
Sorry for the Rant Joe!
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