Posted by Paul (in NY) on Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 11:06PM :
In Reply to: cab roof advice posted by John S on Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 10:33PM :
It can be done, but will be some work. If you can get the donor roof cheap, and you have metal working skills, give it a shot. It will be a lot cheaper than buying a new cab.
Suggest you cut both roofs out with a Plasma Torch. It will cut fast, little heat, and no warping. Then after cleaning the sections and adjacent areas on roof, backup the replacement roof with copper strips, support well and Mig weld. Weld a very short
spot, move to a new area, do it again. Always move a distance from the last weld so it can cool to the hand touch. Its a long process, but can be done without distoration.
The copper backups under the roof weld seams provide the needed backup, yet the weld will not stick to them.
I would give it a try if the donor roof is cheap. You have nothing to loose but a little time.