Posted by TheBrake on Friday, November 29, 2002 at 7:12AM :
Once again I'm scavenging Parts for my 74 W200. Today it is front end parts. I'm not sure of the correct name but here is a description.
This truck has drum Brakes. What I need is the part that the brake drum is mounted on. It holds the front wheel bearings and and the lock-in/lock-out hubs bolt to it.
It must have 8 lug bolts and be in good shape. I need both sides.
The previous owner (U.S. Government) somehow managed to knock off both lock-in/lock-out hubs, leaving the remains of their mounting bolts behind. I could get them redrilled and tapped. But I figured that new ones would be easier and stronger. Sorry for the long post. Thanks All.
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