Posted by Marty on Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 6:34PM :
I felt like I had to come to the defence of Ford so much so that I brought this over from the last forum.
It sounds like you got a bad one alright. It sounds like you maintain your vehicles & I have no other explanation for your problems other than just a bad truck.
I have an F350 with almost 400,000mi on it. Never been apart, never had the window fall out, never changed either the front or rear brake pads until it had over 100,000mi on it, never had the engine, trans, injector pump or any drive train work done other than U joints. Front end is still excellent...yes, it does wear the front tires in a peculiar fashion as all Ford trucks do, but all in all I'd have to say it's the best truck I've ever owned for daily driving & I still get 18MPG with it.
What have I done to make it last you ask? I've changed the oil & filter every 5000mi, I take it to a place called Valley fuel injection for regular tuning where they also dyno it after every tuning, change the fuel filter every time the light comes on & check my brakes regularly, but they always surprise me just how long they last. I only buy Ford parts for the truck including oil filters, just as I buy only Dodge parts for the P/W's.
I do very much like the new Dodge Diesels...but I'd have a VERY tough decision to make if I were in the market for a new truck because you'll never convince me by the service my truck has given that the Dodge is a better unit.
There's my story....
I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that I have admitted this shocking news to you boys!
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