Posted by Eric B. (in PA) on Friday, October 11, 2002 at 10:28AM :
On my way home from Hershey yesterday, I started having trouble with my 97 3500 Dodge Desiel.
The temp gauge would climb to 190 from the standard 150-160, sit there for a couple minutes, and then drop down to 150 in 1 second.
Then a couple minutes later it would repeat.
I got worried, I have seen this behavior before in cars with a bad radiator, the fluid got low and you would see hotter air, and then cooler fluid on the gauge.
When I pulled over to check, I found the radiator full, and the overflow tank about half full.
I also looked for leaks, but it was very hard to see anything in the pouring rain, and as the rad was full, I doubt there is a leak.
I listened for death noises from the water pump, but couldn't hear anything over the clatter.
So here I am 800 miles from home, needing to fix the truck.
I think it might be the thermostat, but I am not sure.
Does anyone know a good place to take my truck in the Pittsburgh area? If not I will just have to trust the dealer, as I will not know where to go.
Have any of you seen this problem, and do you know what might be wrong?
Thanks for any help you can give!
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