Posted by Keith in Washington on Monday, October 07, 2002 at 11:12AM :
In Reply to: building pumpkins posted by Ryan McNabb on Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 8:36PM :
I rebuilt the pumpkin in my carryall same differential as the ff PW. It was not easy in that it was physical, mechanically it is fairly straight forward. If you are going to do the ring and pinion change that is not too difficult. You will need a bearing splitter, dial indicator, a press and a differential holder mounted to your work bench. I was lucky to have a friend who has all of the above.
If your are going to open up the carrier and put in a locker or rebuild the internals then be ready for some very physical work. Driving the pins out is easy, but getting the cover off is about impossible. You will need a good welding torch (not a propane)to heat the case and you will need to build a wrench to grab the top of the case. I used some heavy pipe and welded tabs onto it and drilled holes for a pipe to pass through it. You will need to mount the case to the differential holder then heat the case insert the wrench and a long pipe (6'+) and turn. They say you need to get close to a 1,000 lbs of torque on the case to get it to come apart after it is heated. It took two strong guys and we actually almost tipped over a fully loaded and very heavy work bench getting it off. Once inside the case it was no problem to rebuild the internals. To get the case back together required mounting it to the holder again heating the upper case lip, where the threads are, then quickly putting the top on and screwing it down then putting the wrench to it for the last tightening and alignment with the pin holes (lots of fun) We tipped the bench again and had lots of fun lining up the holes. Then you need to cool the case so the internals are not heat dammaged.
Putting the ring gear and bearings on the carrier and mounting it is a piece of cake. The pinion bearings are a little more difficult but is doable. We did have to slightly grind my spacer to get the correct torque on the pinion shaft. Adjusting the ring gear pad was not difficult (the most difficlt part is breaking the weld and leaving the threads undammaged. Adjusting the backlash of the ring and pinion requires a dial indicator. I set mine up by feel then we put the dial indicator to it. To my surprise I had set it up perfectly and we did not do adjustments with the dial indicator. My friend just laughed and said try to do that again.
IT is not a job for the faint hearted or one who does not have the proper tools.