Posted by Brian in Oregon on Sunday, June 09, 2002 at 7:26PM :
In Reply to: Re: We have enough flatheads in the pipeline ? posted by Jonas on Sunday, June 09, 2002 at 3:36PM :
You made the observation:
"I've said it before and I'll say it again... every dollar that is put into a vehicle to modify it, subtract that from the value of the vehicle if it was left alone. I dont understand it, or nessicarily agree but that's just the way it is."
This is why I feel it is important to make modifications that can be reversed back to original specs. This can be done with a well designed mod kit. If I ever desire to return to the original flathead and drum brakes, the Helitool M37 318 kit and disc brake kit are so well engineered that they are entirely reversible. There are no alterations made to the axle except bolt on parts. The M37 V-8 kit requires a small eyebrow be ground into one frame web, which can be welded back up and dressed, and also some clearance on the drivers side bellhousing bracket. That one is more difficult. It can either be left alone, rewelded and dressed, or replaced (I'm keeping a spare from a scrapped M37). I'm also hanging onto the original flathead and brake parts.
If folks buy the Helitool kits, or put some careful thought into their own conversions, then there is no need to worry about not being able to reverse these conversions.
Would a truck that has been converted, is reversible, and has the original parts available be worth more or less than an original condition resto? The answer is - depends on the buyer. A well modified truck would appeal to me more than an original condition one, excepting say a Command Car. But a hacked up conversion would not appeal to me much at all, and to me it had better be cheap. Others do not car for a conversion at all, so no matter how well done it may not mean anything to them. To some, though, a reversible conversion could be a plus if they wanted to have an original and the rest of the truck was particularly nice.