Posted by Don on Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 5:53PM :
In Reply to: Sure, RTFM, but..... posted by Sean on Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 2:07PM :
It is not recomended to be in 4x4 when on dry surfaces like concrete or aspalt. You may be in 4x4 when in the dirt or dirt road, snow covered roads, or any surface that will alloy for tire's to slip. When you make a turn (left turn for example) your right front tire has to cover more distance then your left front tire,(Combined both tires 50 feet as example) the right rear tire has to cover more distance than the left rear but both rear tires together only cover (40 feet as example) in four wheel drive every thing is conected together. At 5.83 gear ratio your driveshafts that are conected together are turning at the same speed but the front drive shaft wants to turn 2 more time for every one turn of the rear drive shaft. It gives at the weekest point, ujoint, drive shaft, or if the ground is soft the tires will slip on the ground.
4x4 for loose road surfaces only.