Posted by Paul Cook on Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 3:50PM :
In Reply to: Paint Application Question posted by Kevin in Arizona on Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 2:27PM :
Most M-880's had IR signature minimizing camouflage paint. Normally first purchasers from DRMO were required to acknowledge and accept responsibility for serious potential health hazards. Often these vehicles were prohibited from being sold to the general public and found their way through being donated to Civil Defense type organizations.
You might want to ask your nearest DRMO about any possible hazards on your particular vehicle before you do too much paint work. I went to the DRMO site and could find no details. And we know they'd be "up front" with us, don't we.
Troops required special protection when painting/repainting vehicles. I know I got my troops out of painting our vehicles for a "show and tell" by pointing out to the "next higher" Commander that only motor pool personnel with proper protective gear were permitted to use that paint.
I do not dismiss the possibility that "Gulf War Syndrome" and even "Agent Orange" health problems may someday be linked to the unsafe use of C.A.R.C. paint - particularly since I saw many Commanders who felt fresh paint on everything would conceal their incompetence.