Posted by bruce in CO on Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 8:57PM :
In Reply to: Re: Are We Next??? posted by RDavis on Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 10:04AM :
Well, the whole day has gone by without a "verbal lashing" and I wouldn't want you to be disappointed! The only insinuation that I resent is that ALL recent PW purchasers are hobbiest / investors. I have owned 7 4X4 vehicles since age 16 (not many considering the number of years, but I'm a driver, not a collector). I have used them all to their potential in work and play. None has been purchased less than 5 model years old, and 3 have been 30+ years old. I have had a cowboy / horse relationship with all of them (but every cowboy will have a tale of a "bad" horse or two). I spent 3 years looking for a PW before buying the best I could afford. The only reason that its a "hobby" right now is that "the best I could afford" is going to need some work before I can haul dirt, plow snow, pull logs, and extract SUV's from our 3 1/2 mile non-county maintained road. As far as value, I'll keep records of my expenditures and will consider myself lucky if years down the road, I'll be able to break even. Pardon me for not buying my first PW 20 years ago.
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