Posted by Doc Dave [] on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 14:48:59 :
Like most people here I had heard how the quality of homeowner grade appliances has been really low for the last 10-20 years. I guess most are made in China now or otherwise offshore.
I recently had a very bad experience with an LG washer.
It died after only 2 1/4 years, with little use as my wife and I are retired and also am away a good bit.
Just as bad though, was the difficulty in getting the warranty parts ordered, a massive time waste that took way too long. The call center was all non native English speakers, so at times very hard to communicate well, and one department does not communicate well at all with any other
It took several additional calls After more than two weeks went by to get a manager on the line to expedite matters.
And, the warranty is 'out' after the one year mark except for the motor/stator unit. Also, also no labor coverage after one year.
I asked our appliance man if there was ANY machine that was decent. He said the Speed Queen was made in a way similar to the 80's-90's; it could be repaired more easily compared to the current stuff that is all integrated.
I found out these are still made in Wisconsin. And even though they are about $1k, with all the headaches and money I have in this LG, I ,would have been better off if I had known, and got the Speed Queen even though it's an hour away. They are not sold in 'big box stores'.
Lesson learned. I'll not get any of their TV's, etc, etc either.
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