Posted by Vaughn [] on Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 10:39:19 :
In Reply to: WM300 Front Axle (Chrysler F375) Bushings posted by Glenn [] on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 14:59:56 :
In addition to Paul's information (nice Job!), here are some additional items to be aware of.
- Before taking the steering knuckles apart and after the tie rod end is separated, move the steering knuckle to center point if not already, and slightly move it back and forth. This is a check to see if you have a worn key cut in the trunnion pin. If you feel slight movement, you will need to shim the pin key using shim stock or replace the pin during reassembly.
- If replacing the upper bronze cone, make sure you drive it on straight, in other words, check to make sure the distance between the bottom of the trunnion pin and bottom of the cone are equal all around, and continue to check as you drive on the cone. If you see slivers of the cone around the top of the pin as you drive, that is an indication you are not driving it equally and need to make adjustments. Use the old cone on top of the new to strike with the hammer.
- If replacing the trunnion bushing and oil seal, drive the oil seal and bushing into the axle housing together, do not drive separately. What ever tool (drift) you are using to drive the bushing, drive until the tool bounces back after driving with a hammer. This is an indication the bushing is fully seated. Do this for the trunnion and knuckle (spindle).
- I use Gascacinch on the machined surfaces of the steering knuckles to seal in oil and water out. Once you have the steering knuckle halves assembled, install the inner axle, UJ, outter axle and knuckle. Just tap knuckle into the machines surface of the steering knuckle until seated, do not bolt, and turn the steering knuckle to the right or left until it stops. This is a check to ensure the bushings are seated properly. Turn the axle by hand, if it can be turned 360 degrees without locking up, bushings are seated. If axle locks, take out axles and drive trunnion bushing until seated, then recheck.
- I tighten the cap bolts, 4 steering knuckle bolts, and knuckle bolts to 85 feet pounds. MAKE SURE KNUCKLE HALVES BOLT HOLES AND ALL BOLTS ARE CLEAN AND DRY, NO OIL OR GREASE ON THREADS!
- Oil soak all felts and apply grease to moving parts: bushings, axle bushing surface, UJ, etc.
- I apply Gascacinch to all machined surface of the steering knuckle when assembling except for the big felt retainer, I use silicone for that.